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- My horses are aging

- Email requests are FREE
-Foals must be at least three years younger than sire, and four years younger than dam
-Mares can have only one foal per year (with an exception for twins)
- If you want twins please fill out one form with each foals name... EX
               Foals name- 1. Avery     2. Molly (twins)

- I currently don't do embryo transfers
- Stallions can have an infinite number of foals each year
- I accept aging and non-aging horses
- Please try to follow color guidelines as best as possible, I will let you know if something doesn't add up

-I don't require that you follow naming guidelines, I will let you know what they are in case you decide to

-I will NOT breed any N/O horse to an N/O horse (whether it shows overo patterning or not)
- I am very lenient with the requests, if it isn't following these rules I will give you a chance to change it!
-Stallions start breeding at three, Mares at four
- All horses retire from breeding at twenty

- Pedigrees are done in word and converted to a PDF, let me know if you need it in a different format

- I will Snail Mail certificates and paper pedigrees, email me for pricing information

- Snail Mail certificates and pedigrees are signed by me (for approval) and come on nice paper (choose from cardstock, photo paper, or parchment paper)

- The signature line is not included on email certificates

- No Mother-Son or Father-Daughter breedings are allowed

- No full sibling breedings are allowed

- I do allow half siblings to be bred to each other for now, this will change once I get more horses listed

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